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Decision Weather provides personalized weather forecasts and weather consulting to individuals, businesses and industries, including agricultural, construction, radio, transportation, public works & road, educational, aviation, recreational, and public utilities. Our meteorologists have degrees in Meteorology and Climate and/or combination of years of TV and radio experience.  Our services include personal email, text message and digital recording to the general public and business and industry consulting that includes email, text message, digital recording and direct phone communication. Additional consulting weather services include, event severe weather & lightning monitoring, climate data acquisition, research and expert testimony.


Decision Weather utilizes a fully staffed state-of-the-art weather lab equipped with a broadcast studio, high-speed Internet, and multiple PC weather stations. 


Decision Weather was incorporated in the State of Kansas in June 2001. Our principal executive office is located at 112 S 4th St, Atwood, KS 67730.


Call (866) SKY-EYES Toll Free

Store Hours of Operation:
Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday, by appointment

Decision Weather
112 S 4th Street
Atwood, KS 67730
Phone: (785) 626-8066
Toll Free: (866) SKY-EYES

Copyright © 2001 - 10 Decision Weather, Inc.